Blogging has seemed to become a very low priority lately, even though I wanted to blog a lot more once I moved to Tech. So, while I have a short break in studying, I thought that I could update on what the Lord has been doing in my life.
Life a Tech has been a whirl wind, but the Lord has blessed me beyond belief. He not only has given me good times, but has also shown me some areas in my life that I need to work on. I would like to say that once I came to Tech, I kept the desire to stay on a mountain top in my relationship with Christ. However, I now know and believe that He teaches us things when we are in the deepest valleys of life.
Going through life here, I have been solely going through the motions. I no longer think about "What can I do right this moment to glorify God?" or "What am I not doing enough of to bring glory to His name?" These questions have been hitting me in the face lately, and I have began to realize that I am not going any extra length to glorify the most amazing God of the universe. What am I thinking? I have began to be self reliant, and since everything was going well, I didn't really seek Him.
However, with procrastination comes stress, and in a sense, that is what I was doing with my faith. Procrastinating. I was putting God off until tomorrow, and the tomorrow, the next day. This has really began to weigh down on me hard. Why am I beginning to even think that I can take care of myself or rely on myself when I only fail myself every single day? So, what comes next?
When I read God's word, He truly answers my prayers of what I could be doing better in my life. He shows me what areas I need to work on, but He also shows me what areas I am doing well in at this time. As sin continues to lurk in the background just waiting for an opportune time to pounce, God is preparing me to face these temptations. He is equipping me with the armor I need to fight war against these sins.
He is not only teaching me in solitude. He is teaching me through so many other people in my life. Whether that be good influences or bad, He is revealing to me His plans little by little. Christ has been growing immensely within Kyle, for one example, and He is becoming the spiritual leader that I always wanted him to be, and the leader that Christ desires for him to be. The Lord is amazing me day in and day out through what work He is doing in Kyle. He teaches me new things daily.
So, what does all of this mean?
Even though I haven't given God the time and glory that he deserves and desires, He still stands right by my side waiting for me to grab His hand and ask for His help. He doesn't give up on me just because I am trying to do it on my own. He continually jumps out in front of me in hopes that I will see Him, and learn the lesson that He is going to teach me. He is renewing me everyday, so that I can glorify Him.
Thank God for His patience and unending grace.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. -Romans 12:1-2
This is a day of renewal.